I'm Hugh Murray

Writer +

I have written and created short films, documentaries and advertisements through my career, commissioned works and University projects. My writing has taken me to amazing places and currently I am writing my first novel, 

The Triadin Border.

See below examples of my script work and a small piece of my novel, no copying, pinky promise okay? 


Stressless Sam, MQFF

 Attaining funding through the Melbourne Queer Film Festival (MQFF), in assocation with Thorne Harbour Health and Quit Victoria, this short film was inspired to ultimately motivate smokers to stop smoking.

Exposed, Pitch Pleez 2021

Exposed was a short film that was contended for funding with Screen Victoria, competing against three other productions for $10,000 plus Black Magic equipment. It was presented in an official pitching seminar in Melbourne, VIC. 


The Triadin Border

This novel follows a young Eloran and their family, venturing across the natural green of Uttorket, through the ivory walls of Triadin, to live for the next ten years in Mauvedicia, a seemingly barren landscape bordering the big blue. They must navigate the autocratic Scaled Guard, the beasts of Lake Esmondia, encounter familiar strangers and find their purpose in an ancient society. Working in the Archeological department, Eloran uncovers distant histories, unyielding governance and contentious hypocrisy. Great tragedy and betrayal manifests the ultimate decision: to assimilate or annihilate? Are the rules of Triadin truly creating a just society?

Preproduction Briefs, Budgeting and Call Sheets

Across my entire career, I have written all preproduction documents: budget, briefs, paper edits, scripts and call sheets. 

Humans of Monash

An interview series I sourced and created for Radio Monash, published on their socials and site. 


I did research in my honours; right now, I’m trying to publish that work. I did a lot of my inquiry on young adults who use cannabis – a topic of huge contention. A lot of research is focused on medicinal use, but I wanted to find out the impact of the use of recreational marijuana on a young adult. Studies have shown that young people perceive cannabis as a drug that bears little harm to the recipient, and even though the studies go against this notion, this perception continues to rise.

It is why I am passionate about this. I see the harm that it does; marijuana does lead to poorer outcomes for the user. People are more at risk of psychological harm such as schizophrenia or even small things like feeling more down or anxious than you used to be, especially for long term users. My project was trying to understand young and long-term users, finding out how different each and every user truly was. I found that half of prolonged users suffer psychological impediments in their life. In science, we look at the facts. But right now, there is no screening process for each individual in regards to the effects of the use of cannabis, unlike the use of tobacco or alcohol.

Users and the public are still refuting that there is nothing wrong with marijuana, but when you ask them to show their evidence they tell you the story of someone or anyone that they know of; sometimes that story is of themselves. But as you study science, you start to become more skeptical of these ideas, but sceptical doesn’t mean pessimistic, you just don’t accept things on face value. You question everything.

Unfortunately, questioning everything is not something the public does, just like anti-vaxxers. It’s hard to tell someone how they should decide on certain issues. Even if you could reach them, even if you showed it to them, they don’t necessarily understand it nor do they believe it.

Young people can be so harsh on scientists; the belief that they only focus on the negative impacts of drugs. But we do focus on the positives. Look at the legalization of the medical use of marijuana in Victoria. But it’s the street drug that concerns us most and it is the street drug that is of interest. We want to know exactly what is wrong with it, so we know exactly what component is harbouring the worst side effects of marijuana and maybe then we can treat people more effectively.

Since coming here, a lot of people have asked me about the election. It’s all Trump this and Trump that. Everyone I’ve met has asked me about Trump. It’s as though I’ve become stereotyped in advance as an American. People think we’re rebellious and radical, as though we don’t have respect for authority. Even professors call me out as an American; in my business law lecture, they know me as ‘America’. You just have to take it as it is. I fee when people picture Americans they all picture New Yorkers: super rude, Northern and the belief that everything that is done should be done their way. But I know that most Americans aren’t like that. People all think we’re fat as well, I’ve realized. Which we kind of are. You see a few around Monash but nothing compared to America. I have yet to find a buffet around Melbourne and the portions of food in any given meal are a lot smaller over here, which might explain America's problem with obesity.



I left school when I was in Year 10. Aside from health problems, my teen years were always challenging; my mother was very strict when I was a child and I was always disciplined. I didn’t have a lot of friends growing up in Moe. Many kids treated me as an outsider. Maybe that’s why I didn’t blend in, and why I hated it so much: I could sense myself not being able to fit in with everybody else. But ever since I moved to Melbourne, things have gotten better.

Before selling magazines, I had a job at Docklands Lockwood for 18 years but the place had changed so much I chose to leave of my own accord. Full-time jobs these days seem to need CVs and resumes, which meant often I could barely get my foot in the door let alone achieve an interview. It was why I only managed to gain casual employment here and there but jobs like those never last. I needed something long term.

When I was really struggling, I got in touch with The Big Issue. It’s really helped me get back on my feet: financially and socially. I’ve always been nervous and that’s why I sometimes tick when trying to sell their magazine. So far, I’ve done art, writing and acting courses with the organization, which helped me find the passion I needed to keep going and develop better communication skills. I’ve been selling the big issue here for 6 years now, and I’ve met a few students along the way. But after a while, they all tend to disappear…

If you’d like to meet Gordon, he sells The Big Issue within Campus Centre, Mondays and Wednesdays. Every $7 Big Issue Magazine you buy helps Gordon take that extra step to get back on his feet.

I love J Cole. I know this interview was meant to be about the difference between Fiji and Australia but J Cole is bae. You know how rap talks about sex and drugs. Now that I think about it, J Cole's songs are about sex. I was going to say that J Cole's isn’t like that but I guess he is. But not about the drug life. I think I like him because of his vibe. He’s not society’s ideal of conventional beauty, but he’s still cute. Something you can wave your hand up in the air for: I call it the 90 degree right-angle right arm basketball tap. It’s something I can listen to when it’s 3am, my best friend’s door is locked and I can’t sleep.



I look forward to discussing my work further with you. Hit the button below for a super charged email!